Discussion Panel: Unlocking Innovation: Driving Technology and Societal Impact for Saudi Arabia's Water Future"

Discussion Panel: Unlocking Innovation: Driving Technology and Societal Impact for Saudi Arabia's Water Future"

Panel Discussions

November 26

12:00 PM - 12:25 PM
This panel, hosted by the Water Technoilogy Innovation Institite Reseach Advancemen (WTIIRA) in collaboration with its key consultants will explore how to enable and unlock innovation in water technology through a cohesive, mission-driven approach. By addressing critical elements such as data collection, trend analysis, IP management, and the push-pull dynamics of innovation, the panel will discuss how these strategies can uplift Saudi Arabia’s water sector. The session will highlight the integration of transformative technologies with societal needs, focusing on balancing technological advancement with the unique environmental and cultural context of Saudi Arabia. Panelists will also address the opportunities and challenges in aligning innovation with national missions to support long-term sustainability, economic growth, and societal benefit.
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